Welcome To Charlie's Launchpad

Welcome guitar fanatic!

I am so excited to share my Lead Guitar Launchpad with you. Scroll down to Download your free workbook and watch my introductory video.

You will also find Lessons 1 & 2 on this page and you can easily navigate through the different lessons using the course guide to the right.


Watch the intro video below for a summary of what we will be exploring together in this free course.

Lesson 1 - Holding Your Guitar + Guitar & Amp Basics

In this lesson, we are going to discuss the best option for holding your guitar so that you can not only play your guitar comfortable but also so that you can prevent injury. I will also discuss some of the common guitar types (Stratocast - 4:16; Telecaster -7:25; Les Paul - 9:12) as well as discussing how to setup a good tone for your amp (12:30).

You can check out great beginner electric guitar on Amazon from Fender's Squier Strat to Epiphone Les Paul style guitar to PRS guitars.

Charlie mentions great amps like the Boss Kanata or the Line 6 Catalyst, but feel free to check out the Tonex multi effects pedal Charlie uses in this video.

Lesson 2 - Your First Scale & Sequence

In this lesson, we are going to go over playing your first scale along with the first sequence you should learn to start getting familiar with this pattern inside and out.

Ready To Take Your Lead Guitar Playing To The Next Level?


If you have always dreamed of playing guitar like your favorite rock guitar legends, then enroll today in the Lead Guitar Bundle which includes over 75+ lessons on going from zero to lead guitar hero.

Have the confidence to jam with friends and play emotion filled guitar solos that don't sound likes scales and leave your feeling embarrassed.

The Lead Guitar Bundle Includes:

  • Lead Guitar 101 - 25 lessons on the basics of playing lead guitar ($97 value)
  • Pentatonic Scale Mastery - 50+ lessons diving into your fretboard and how to play guitar in the style of some of your favorite guitarists ($197 value)
  • Guitarist's Guide to Effects Pedals: Hours of content on how to dial in the perfect sound using effects like chorus, delay, distortion and more. ($97 value)
  • Private Community - Get 3 months access to Charlie via a private online community of guitar students just like you. ($87 value)
  • 13 Backing Tracks to play along and practice with ($47 value)



Photo Testimonial Charlies Course

"Charlie’s Pentatonic Scale Mastery is a methodical way to learn to solo. I have never had instruction quite like it. Beginning with practicing that moves from one pattern (overlapping ascending and descending), across the fretboard, and then from the top strings to the bottom, I am beginning to understand how real soloing works. Great course I’m glad to have signed up for." - Roger Gallant

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