Next Event: August 15-17 Woburn, MA

A 3-Day Guitar Extravaganza

Meet Lauren & Other Guitar Enthusiasts in person!

Live Instruction, Workshops & Performances

Learn to Play Songs in Time with Others
August 15-17, 2025
Hilton Boston/Woburn
2 Forbes Rd Woburn, MA
Day 1
Our weekend starts on Friday early evening with a welcome reception where you can get your professional photo taken with Lauren and meet your fellow Guitar Enthusiasts.
A Jam space will be available for students to play music together until 10pm. VIP Band sessions will occur earlier in the afternoon.
Day 2
Saturday begins with playing music together and getting the energy up. Students will have opportunities for one-on-one time with Lauren to ask questions.
Guitar workshops will fill out the afternoon. A Jam space will be available for students to play music together until 10pm.
Day 3
All this leads us to Sunday where students will practice and perform songs they’ve learned over the weekend together. There is not a better way to learn and experience music than to play it with others.
VIP students will play live with Lauren’s band. More Q&A and other guitar workshops will be available in the morning hours.

About Your Host
Lauren Bateman has been helping students make the guitar make sense for well over a decade. Her mission in life is to make sure no one leaves this world with the music still inside them.
Lauren’s goal with her LIVE event is to give students an opportunity to collaborate, perform and learn in a fun, friendly and supportive environment.
What Past Attendees Have Said
“It’s not just a course, it’s a community.”

It gave me my first opportunity to play with other people. Some of the lessons inspired me to finally consider learning lead guitar. I came home jazzed about learning new things!
- Jenny Chun-Ossowski

One of the best weekends I’ve had. Totally ignited my passion to push myself and keep going. Lauren is awesome and the community she’s built and the people who are in it are simply amazing. Can’t wait for next year!
- Donna Mavromates
There is a level of fear that’s gone now…For the first time, I felt like I had something here.
- Mick McIntyre

Get Your Ticket Today!
$797 $950
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5 monthly payments
$797 $950
Pay upfront and save $153!
5 monthly payments
You miss 100% of the shots your don't take. - Wayne Gretsky
Want the opportunity to play in a REAL band with other students? Get group lessons with Lauren before the event as well as private band practice on Friday with Lauren’s backing band through the VIP Band Package.